Village of Sherburne Downtown Strategic Plan

In the spring of 2005, the Village of Sherburne completed work on their Downtown Strategic Plan. The plan was officially adopted by the Village in June of 2005. In addition to traditional downtown revitaliation planning, the plan included a conditions study of the vacant Sherburne Inn, a vacant and deteriorated downtown landmark. In addition, an an investigation into redevelopment options for property surrounding the Inn were developed. Thoma sub-contracted with Crawford and Stearns Architects and Preservation Planners of Syracuse and Cynthia Bickford Teter, Registered Landscape Architect or Homer, on design portions of the Plan.

A PDF version of the Downtown Strategic Plan can be downloaded by choosing the appropriate link below. Please note that photographic documentation for the Sherburne Inn has not been included in the PDF version in order to decrease the download time. These photographs are included in the printed version, available for viewing at the Village office or at Thoma. PDF versions of the conceptual redevelopment plans for the Southwest Quadrant of the Downtown can be downloaded by choosing the appropriate link below:





Downtown Vision Statement

Our attractive, safe, and active Downtown provides a wide variety of dining, arts, and recreational activities for residents and visitors to the region. Downtown Sherburne offers easy access to parking and provides convenient traffic flow that encourages it to be the center of community activities. Vision fulfillment is achieved by establishing policies and programs to attract and retain a strong employment base of core businesses, and by preserving and maintaining the charm and history of Sherburne.